How to quickly increase potency in men

Unfortunately, sooner or later, the men faced a problem like impotence. The weakening or absence of erection is a fairly common problem. This is due to the fact that the human body is influenced by many negative factors. But, by observing some rules and recommendations of doctors, you can return the male strength, and with her and all the joy of a sex life. So, how to increase potency in men?

That affects the power

In some cases, the reduced power, without any apparent reason. But this is only a hypothesis men. Because the causes may be lurking. To their number you refer to:

  1. Bad habits. The power affects negatively the consumption of alcoholic beverages, but also of structure. Especially with regard to beer, which reduces the production of testosterone. As far as the smoking causes a narrowing of the blood vessels, which adversely affects on the functioning of the pelvic organs.
  2. The intake of medicines. The consumption of these substances reduces libido and impairs the strength of the male. This is mainly due to the drugs that are administered intravenously.
  3. The wrong food. If you are having problems with male power recommended to abandon the use of semi-finished products and fast food. So much for sweet and fatty foods.
  4. Intake of some medicines. Some antibiotics funds negatively on the functioning of the body. Suffers from not only the digestive system and the immune system, but also sexual.
  5. Therefore, it is not recommended for self-medication, especially when it comes to antibiotics.
  6. Psychological problems. The psychological trauma associated with intimate closeness, affect the erection. Solve the problem with the help of drugs rather difficult. Without a visit to the technical profile can not do.
  7. The intake of steroids. Recently, these substances are very popular among athletes. This is due to the fact that they allow you to increase the muscle mass. But few people know their side effects. Steroids adversely affect the strength of the male and cause erectile dysfunction.
  8. Mens disease. Prostatitis and other diseases cause a significant damage sexual system. Especially with regard to sexually transmitted diseases.

Important here is the age and physical condition of the men.


How to increase the power in the house

In most cases, increase the output power possible without the use of drugs. Often the treatment is carried out in domestic environments. To achieve the desired result using the following methods of therapy:

  • medicinal products;
  • menu of training and exercise;
  • massage;
  • the remedies of the folk medicine;
  • a proper diet and give up bad habits.

Each of these methods can be easily used in the home. They do not occupy a lot of time and do not affect the style of life. Of course, if you use or another method it would be advisable to consult your doctor, especially with regards to the medical therapy and folk medicine.

Treatment at home starts with a improvement in lifestyle. First of all, it is necessary to abandon bad habits. It is necessary to limit the consumption of any liquor. With regard to the smoke. This eliminates the factors that impact negatively on the power.

Not less important is the power supply. To increase potency, doctors recommend to eat on a regular basis these products:

  • Nuts. Despite the high calorie content, the product has a positive influence on power. Recommended to consume every day. Product eat in its purest form and add the various dishes.
  • The garlic. Often added to salads and other dishes. Particularly popular scrambled eggs with onion and garlic. The product is useful for women and for men, between whom and their power.
  • The green. Parsley, dill and spinach must be present in the diet every day.
  • Spices. This concerns in the first place of cinnamon, cardamom and ginger.
  • Fruits of the sea. Belong to the natural aphrodisiac, which have high efficiency with a power increase.
  • Meat.
  • Oil of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds.

Important! To quickly increase the power in the home, doctors recommend the use of comprehensive therapy.

It includes not only the change of style of life, but also by massage and exercises. As regards the latter, the increase of the power house is carried out with the help of these techniques:

  • exercise "Birch" and "Bike");
  • drill step;
  • jogging on the spot;
  • squatting "of the sea".

Not the less efficient it will become, a massage in the testicles and the penis. If necessary, you can ask the help of a specialist. Exercise and massage can improve the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, which impacts favourably on the manhood.


How to increase the potency of folk remedies

Today the traditional medicine are widely used for the treatment of various diseases. And impotence is not an exception. The power gain in men it plays such folk remedies:

  1. Honey drug. To prepare the instrument, it is necessary to take 500 g chopped walnuts, 100 g of aloe juice and 300 g of liquid honey. The aloe leaves chop up and mix with the other components. Received the drug are using it every day for 50 g.
  2. The tincture of garlic. 1 kg of garlic clean and finely chop. Put in a glass bowl and pour the purified water. Ability to put in a dark place and let it rest for 3 weeks. The bank periodically you need to shake. Ready tincture to take daily 1 teaspoon.
  3. In the white wine. For the male enhancement strength it is recommended to use a good quality wine. To prepare the instrument, you need to take 1 litre of wine and mix it with grapefruit or orange juice. Add 100 g of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey. All components to mix, after which the composition is heated. After the drink cold, put on a couple of days in a cool place. Recommended to take before intimate proximity. You need to filter.
  4. Tincture of cock. 500 g of leaves of cabbage, grind, and cover with water. To insist in the course of the week, after which add 2 tablespoons of honey and 50 g of lemon juice. Drinking water before meals 1 tbsp. l.

Also, the increase of power takes place with the help of the herbs. Phototherapy you need to exercise only after consultation with the doctor. High-efficiency have thyme, ginseng and calamus. The popularity of this technique lies in the fact that it has practically no contraindications and side effects.

How to increase the power of medicines

If a man has serious problems with power, the doctor prescribes the drug therapy. With the help of some medications, it is possible to quickly restore the strength of the male.

Important! Today, there are a large number of drugs to increase potency in men. But before taking any tool, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Along with the medicines, the doctor prescribes a course of vitamins. This will restore the balance of macro - and micronutrients, deficiency that leads to the development of disorders and diseases of the reproductive system. The therapy includes:

  • the vitamin E prevents aging of the body and involved in metabolism;
  • vitamins B1 and B2 increase, the muscular activity of the penis;
  • vitamin B3 reduces the amount of cholesterol and improves the circulation of the blood;
  • vitamin B6 is very important in the presence of bad habits;
  • the vitamin c restore, normalize the libido and power.

Complex vitamin assigns the physician after conducting the research. In any case, in difficult situations, the treatment must be global.

Not only need to recover the power, but also to do everything to prevent the recurrence of the problem.