Tool for increasing power in old age: the causes, the means of

If impotence is not a consequence of an acute disease, the treatment can produce at home. This great tool help to increase power in old age.

the power in the third age

Animals of application of tools of medicine not conventional. Useful are the broth and tinctures. Also from natural ingredients, you can prepare the ointment to stabilize the erectile function.

If you want to get tough and guaranteed effect, it is best to resort to the application of sexual stimulants synthetic origin. The selection of medicines is made on the basis of the genesis of the erectile dysfunction and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Causes of impotence in adulthood

Traditionally, the reduction of power in the elderly, due to androgen deficiency. To prevent that this state is impossible. The level of testosterone gradually decreases, from 25 years.

It is also a common cause of sexual impotence is the syndrome of waiting for the failure. Often it develops in men and women, who at least once have had failures during the sexual contact. The common reasons of erectile dysfunction may also be assigned:

  • Prostatitis, adenoma of prostate, breast and prostate cancer. Also cause violations of other diseases of the urinary system, including sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The injury of the perineum, the spinal cord, of the genital organs. In addition, the negative impact of sexual, and the power can intervertebral hernia.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other pathology endocrine. In fact, if you get rid of diabetes completely impossible, but if you are able to receive payment of illness, you can support the power.
  • The receipt of funds pressure. Also have a negative impact on the potency hypoglycemia medications anxiolytics, sedatives drugs, pills of gout.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The unbalanced diet and obesity.

Also negatively affect the sexual virtue of bad habits, including smoking, drug and alcohol abuse.

Folk methods to stabilize the power

To recover the potency and the libido in old age as well help the tool of traditional medicine. But it is necessary to consider that the effectiveness of all types of ointments, broths and infusions very relative.

The best popular tool is the liquor ginseng. For your kitchen you need to use the dried root of ginseng, and alcohol (ratio 1:10). The ingredients mixed, and then placed in pots, and are shipped in a dark place with 20-30 days. Take the tincture you need a dose of 10-15 drops 2 to 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is limited to 30 or 40 per day.

If considered the most effective home remedies to improve power, in older men, it can be noted:

  1. The ointment of calendula. For your kitchen, you should mix the 60 ml of calendula oil, 2-3 grams of butter and 4 to 5 grams of bee. So, the tool must be placed in a small glass vial, and send in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Apply received the drug in the penis should be 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is not limited.
  2. A mixture of aloe vera juice, lemon juice, and honey. For your preparation of mixture of 300 ml of juice of agave, 200 grams of honey and 200 ml of lemon juice. The drug should be consumed at a dosage of 3 teaspoons per day. The duration of therapy – 1-2 months.
  3. Alcohol tinctures. They will provide a strong power increase popular tools in old age. For the preparation of tinctures, you can use the dried root leuzea, or ginger root. Products should dry and grind, and then mix in the ratio of 1:10 with alcohol. The dye preferably insist on glass containers from 20 to 30 days. Per day is enough to take 20 to 30 drops of tinctures in alcohol. The duration of therapy should be limited to 40 per day.
  4. A mixture of aloes and dried fruit. It is necessary to mix 50 grams of apricots, dried, 40 grams of dates and the same of raisins. The ingredients are mixed in a blender. The slurry resulting must send in the fridge for a few days. Drink the mixture is recommended at a dose of 2-3 teaspoons 2 to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is not limited.
  5. Porridge, honey and nuts. The ingredients are taken in equal proportion, after macerated in a blender. Consume clear walnut mixture can be in a daily dose of 40 to 50 grams. Eat this porridge is allowed on a daily basis.

The treatment of erectile dysfunction in older men, it is not possible to produce folk means, if there is a propensity for allergic reactions.

Pharmacy medicines to increase the power

Pharmacy without a prescription buy effective tools to enhance the power for older men. The most effective and the quick hitch are the inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 5.

The principle of action of medicines is based on the stimulation of release of nitric oxide and stimulate the accumulation of cgmp in the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Moreover, it improves the flow of blood to the penis and the erection is stabilizing. Enough to consume 1 pill for 20 to 60 minutes prior to sexual intercourse, for potency has increased.

In addition to inhibitors of PDE-5, which are very effective are injectable drugs. These medicines must be inserted in the cavernous body of the penis. But it is necessary to consider that the injectable, the tool also has an impressive list of against-indications, including the malfunction of the CAS, the narrowing of the penis, disturbance in cardiac conduction.

To raise to the power you can also use:

  1. Homeopathic medicinal products.
  2. Cleaning the base of testosterone. These drugs are taken exclusively by prescription. And hormonal medicines are assigned only in case, if the impotence was called androgen deficiency.
  3. Naturopathic drugs. These medicines not only help maintain stable power, but also increase the libido. In addition, the remedies contribute to the integrity and the stimulation of the synthesis of testosterone.

Before the use of medications to increase potency in elderly men should consult a doctor.