In our time, almost every man, in any measure, dissatisfied with the size of your penis. It is interesting that most of the time to increase the penis size they want the representatives of the stronger sex, which is already sufficiently large (13 to 17 cm). The most popular among all types of intimate plastic surgery, are the operations of stretching and thickening virility.
Penis enlargement
To increase the length of the penis, the technology is used. In the first place, the doctor should go through the door, supports the body, after fixing it in its new position. Therefore, it is released about 3-4 cm hidden under the pubic bone, and ranges from men of your penis.
After the surgical intervention the representative of the stronger sex have that every day use extender, from 2 hours in the first few days, and then gradually increasing the time of transport up to 6-8 hours per day. The man should not experience pain. In addition, you must follow so that the foreskin of the penis does not fall under the handle of the machine. If you correctly use the extension, in the fertile organ will have the feeling of stretching.
Using a extender length increases gradually during their whole period of use, about 5 mm to 10 days. In any case, do not hurry, because it can cause serious adverse effects. The final result of the operation, You will notice only six months, but if it persists for the whole life.
Surgery penis lengthening has the duration of only 30 to 40 minutes. With this simple easy procedure of dealing experienced plastic surgeon. For the control over the result during the operation applies to the equipment of endoscopy, which are processed in the vessels and nerves.
The man still night, you should spend in hospital, after which he may return home. In 10-12 days you will have to return to the clinic to remove the seams. But if you use absorbable suture material, you can skip this step. Do not forget that, throughout the period of rehabilitation you want to exclude sexual relationships.
The ability of penis stretching with the operation explains the ability of your tissues to stretch. This means that the cells a lot more quickly begin to break when the artificial application of force to stretching, due to which occurs an increase of mass and volume, as well as to prevent the return of the length in the body back to the original value. This way of increasing the length does not affect the physiology of a member, the quality and the angle of erection, a very special feature. In addition, on the same level persists, and the emotional component of the body.
The thickening of the penis
The success of an operation of intimate plastic, of the male genital organs depends solely on the experience and skill of the surgeon. If done correctly, the effect of the plastic persists over many years, otherwise, the effect of the thickening loosen up within a maximum of six months and having to re-enter in a clinic. The operation does not last a long time, the man will have to spend in hospital only a day. After plastics 5 weeks have to exclude totally any sexual contact.
The essence of the technique of thickening of the penis is that, under your skin introduce special material. This can be a synthetic filler gel, or the fat. The main drawback of this method can be called resorption gradual material or its displacement in the body of the organ. Therefore, it is better to give preference to one of the following three methods.
As filler material in the first method applied to the tab that they used the rectus sheath on the pedicle vascular. It should be located under the skin of a member, in order to shape the cavernous body. As a result, You get a guaranteed result, when fully developed the blood supply.
The essence of the second technique consists in using the special of a matrix is the artificial material, thus contributing to accelerate the severability cells cavernous bodies. Its injected into the tissue of the body and, therefore, increases the volume and diameter of the penis.
The third method involves the introduction under the skin of the enchedor (loads) through injection. This manipulation takes about half an hour. It is performed under local anesthesia. Rehabilitation period is short, a man within a few days, you can return to the routine of sexual life. However, the effect of the injection is not stored permanently in six months, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure.
Possible complications of the surgeries to increase penis
The more frequent the earlier (first few weeks after the procedure) complications after surgery may include: bleeding, pain during erection, wound infection, edema of long duration sexual organ, of a temporary or permanent reduction of sensitivity of the penis. Later complications such operations are: shortening of the penis is an organ, the change of the angle of erection (due to a cross-support ligaments, member when you get an erection don't look up, forward or down), erection disorders, resorption or necrosis (necrosis) inserted under the skin of the penis tissues, the instability of the member and their "break" during intercourse, as well as the reduction of the sensitivity of the penis, the deformation and deformation. It should be noted that more than 50% of the cases, the result of the operation does not justify the hopes of the patients.
Increase of the penis when the operation is able to get rid of the stronger sex of many complex, improve their confidence and make the sexual life more brilliant. Such procedures last a long time, but in spite of this, are considered to be technically complex and must be performed exclusively by surgeons qualified in special conditions and with the right equipment.